Thursday, August 25, 2016

Shasta, Santa Barbara, Solano and San Mateo Counties Give Big to Youth for Back-to-School

Shasta County

Shasta County DCSS held a backpack giveaway with donations topping 180 backpacks with 140 entrants participating in the giveaway.  Shasta DCSS will be holding another giveaway of the remaining 40 backpacks at the end of August as the agency continues to receive entry forms from families in the area.

Supplies included in the backpack were relevant to the child’s grade level; including paper, binders, pencils, pens, rulers, and calculators.

Cash donations helped purchase many of the supplies including thumb drives for high school age children.  Along with donations received from the community and staff, Shasta DCSS received 100 gift cards donated by Dutch Brothers Coffee.

Both children and customers expressed gratitude in receiving backpacks filled with supplies. Read more about the event featured in the Redding Record-Searchlight:

Santa Barbara DCSS Donates 100 lbs of supplies
Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara County Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) participated in the local United Way “Stuff the Bus” campaign. The staff at Santa Barbara DCSS donated more than 100 pounds of school supplies and backpacks in support of United Way of Northern Santa Barbara County’s “Stuff the Bus” campaign.

Solano County

Solano County DCSS employees have participated in a backpack giveaway through a local church since 2011. The first year, Solano DCSS got a late start and planned to supply 25 backpacks, but exceeded that goal and collected 53 stocked backpacks for kids in kindergarten through second grade.

The next year, Solano DCSS put together 150 backpacks and for the last three consecutive years, with the help of Solano County Special Investigations Bureau, 250 backpacks have been donated.

Solano DCSS has done a variety of fundraisers such as bake sales and hot dog lunches to raise money for the backpack drive, but the biggest fundraiser, is an auction. 

At the auction, a variety of items are donated by Solano DCSS employees who then hold both a live auction during the lunch hour and a day-long silent auction. 

In 2015, Solano DCSS raised more than $600 and this year raised $935.00 to purchase backpacks. Once the back-to-school sales begin, different units within Solano DCSS volunteer to purchase the items to place in the backpacks and whatever is not covered by the different units is purchased with some of the auction money.

San Mateo County
San Mateo DCSS collected approximately 25 backpacks and several school supplies, such as binders/folder, pens, pencils, highlighters, paper, crayons, rulers, markers, etc. All of the supplies and backpacks were donated to the Children's Fund of San Mateo County.

The Children's Fund directly disperses the backpacks and supplies to foster and low-income children in San Mateo County. The Children's Fund receives referrals for those in need directly from social workers, case managers, public health care nurses, probation officers and partner community agencies. The organization serves more than 4,500 children and teens in San Mateo County. 

Every year San Mateo County DCSS consistently participates in the Children's Fund Holiday Annual Toy Drive in November/December and the Children's Fund Back to School Drive in the summer months.

State DCSS staff deliver backpacks and supplies
State DCSS
Collectively, DCSS was donated more than 50 backpacks, approximately 35 of which were fully packed with items such as paper, glue, pencils, calculators, crayons, colored pencils, etc.

In addition to all of the physical donations, DCSS employees and friends donated more than $1,600 in cash donations. This will help purchase hundreds more items and backpacks for foster and homeless youth to start the school year off with the supplies they need to be successful.

Read more about the CA DCSS “Operation Backpack” drive here:


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